What Are The Six Different Types Of Editing?

Editing is a broad topic, so it’s helpful to break down each type of editing so that you can look for the right one when needed.

The six types of document editing are:

Before publishing any piece of content, it’s advisable to have an editor take a pass over the document to help make it as good as possible. However, not every piece of content needs the same depth or type of editing.

A social media post, for example, will likely simply require a quick proofread to catch any glaring typos, whereas a full book will need deep editing to tighten and sculpt it and catch those pesky typos that we all hate.

As a writer, it’s important to understand the six types of editing so that you can choose the correct one for each piece of content you create.

Let’s look at each individually.

Developmental Editing

The most comprehensive type of editing is developmental editing, which involves a complete review of your entire document, from structure and word choice to style and even plot and characterization (in fiction).

It keeps your audience in mind and edits towards that. This is the type of editing done for a long manuscript for an upcoming publication such as a book. The purpose is to firm up the full narrative and plot so that it is enjoyable to the reader.

Developmental editing happens before copy editing and proofreading.

Structural Editing

Structural editing is usually the precursor to developmental editing. When conducting an editing evaluation, an editor reviews the whole document and outlines the major changes that need to be made chapter by chapter.

The goal is to provide big-picture feedback instead of detailed feedback on areas like word choice so the author can understand how much work might be needed from a full developmental edit.

Content Editing

Next is content editing, which is meant to take a good manuscript and make it publish-worthy.

Content editing is similar to developmental editing in that it covers everything from plot and structure to word choice and sentence structure. The difference is that developmental editing usually happens throughout the creation process, but content editing takes that finished manuscript to another level through a deep, holistic editing lens.

Most people traditionally think of content editing when they think of “editing” or “book editing.” However, content editing is a trained skill that requires years of study and practice to master because it involves the structure of a full manuscript as well as the nitty-gritty parts like copyediting and proofreading.

Line Editing

Line editing is the fine-tooth-comb approach where every single sentence in a manuscript is read and massaged to fit the entire manuscript well and weave it into a comprehensive piece that will wow readers.

It is important to note that line editing is not copyediting. It is not combing over a manuscript for errors but rather for consistency of voice and structure.

As NYbookeditors says:

A line edit addresses the creative content, writing style, and language use at the sentence and paragraph level.


Next is copyediting, one of the most common types of editing. It involves checking the manuscript for errors such as bad grammar, misspellings, style, and punctuation.

Copyediting is done before proofreading, as copyediting is meant to catch all of the errors mentioned above. In contrast, proofreading is a final read to catch any last errors before a final manuscript is sent for publishing.

Copy editing is also commonly known as revision.


Proofreading is the final type of editing. It happens after all developmental, line editing, and copyediting is done, and the manuscript has been laid out in the final form.

Proofreading is a review and reading of the final manuscript to catch any final errors that may have escaped the eyes of the other editing rounds. Books are famous for one or two typos, often corrected in future versions, but proofreading is done to catch as many of these as possible before the first version is even published.

What About Subject Matter Expert Reviews?

Sometimes, you need a subject matter expert to review the content of your or another writer’s copy for correctness and phrasing that makes sense for a specific industry. Here at EditorNinja, we consider this peer review, though finding a subject matter expert can sometimes be very difficult.

It can be considered another level of editing, though, and usually happens after a first draft is created and before the finalization of the copy occurs.

Searching for an editor for your content?

Finding professionally trained editors in a freelance capacity is difficult. That’s why we built EditorNinja, where you get professional-level editing without the headaches of finding, recruiting, managing, and paying editors. All EditorNinja editors are MFA trained.

If you’re looking for someone to give your content the editing polish it needs (or that your clients ask for), get in touch today for a free no-obligation chat.

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"EditorNinja's editors have been a game-changer for us. They've learned our very specific style guides, ask questions when something isn't clear, and always get content back to us on time. They're an important extension of our team."
Malory Speir - 10x Travel
Malory Speir
Managing Editor at 10xTravel
"As a fast growing startup building an AI-powered GTM management platform, we need a special combination of flexible, affordable, and personalized editing. EditorNinja has filled that for us perfectly with a Dedicated Editor."
Elyse Grassmuck
Senior Revenue Program Manager

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Remember, you can always adjust priority on documents if you need specific ones back sooner. Just remember to let your editing team know in Slack.

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