How to Remove a Page Break in Google Docs

When you’re writing in Google Docs, sometimes an extra page appears, and you need to delete it. This can usually be done by simply deleting the text on the page and using an extra backspace or delete, but this doesn’t always work. In this case, a page break likely exists, and knowing how to delete … Read more

How to Turn on Track Changes in Google Docs

Are you looking to turn on Track Changes in Google Docs? If so, you’re probably coming from the Microsoft ecosystem to the Google ecosystem, where editing mode is called Track Changes in Word. “Track Changes” in Word is called “Suggesting” mode in Google Docs. Turning it on is pretty easy. What we’ll cover in this … Read more

How To Edit A Webpage in Google Chrome

Occasionally, EditorNinja gets requests to edit a webpage that someone doesn’t control. This could be a case study on someone else’s website or it could be something like a report card (note: we’re not saying this is ok. In fact, it’s not ok. But it’s a request we get). Years ago, I learned the trick … Read more

The 6 Best Copy Editing Services (Updated 2025)

The Six (6) Best Copy Editing Services

When producing marketing content, you must have an editor you trust. Not only do you need them to work through your content volume, but you also need them to ensure that the content is on-brand, free of errors, accurate, makes your or your client’s brand shine, and is ready to convert readers to customers. But … Read more

The Future of Online Publishing with Jack McDade from Statamic

Welcome to an exclusive interview on the future of online publishing with Jack McDade, founder of CMS Statamic. I’ve been doing a lot of thinking about CMSes and investigating different options, so I thought it would be interesting to chat with some CMS founders about their solutions and how they think about things. Mentioned Resources … Read more

Should You Still Produce Content in 2025?

It’s been a hard few years for content on the Internet. Google decimated niche sites with their Helpful Content Updates, and don’t know how to fix it. Generative AI entered the mainstream in November of 2022, which has dramatically increased the number of articles published each month, making it even harder than ever to stand … Read more

The Largest Google Ranking Bug…Ever?

Is Google currently experiencing its largest search ranking issue and unable to solve it? I’m no conspiracy theorist, but the last few years of algorithm updates and Google’s recent summit with web publishers affected by their “Helpful Content Update” seem to suggest yes. What Was/Is The “Helpful Content Update?” If you’re in the content world, … Read more

Was the August “SEO Update” Actually A Mobile Layout Update?

SEO and content have been key to our growth over the last few years. We’ve invested in various SEO strategies (driven by me, not through an agency or outside provider) to drive qualified traffic and sales inquiries to EditorNinja. In short, it’s worked pretty well, or at least it seemed like it did until August. … Read more

Should You (Still) Use WordPress? 6 Alternatives to Check Out

Should You (Still) Use WordPress 6 Alternatives to Check Out

I can’t believe I’m writing this article. I’ve been writing and building websites and companies on WordPress since 2010, so 14+ years now. It’s been a constant and consistent, though often frustrating, presence throughout my entire marketing and entrepreneurial career. However, recent events and the larger picture of WordPress governance cannot be ignored. The founder … Read more

The End of B2B Blogs?

I have a question – is B2B blogging dead? This isn’t going to be the “B2B blog” version of “is SEO dead?” (the answer to that is: maybe, maybe not, it depends, it’s changing), I promise. But I think right now is the right time to have the conversation about blogging and if all of … Read more

The Difference Between Copy Editing and Line Editing.

The Difference between copy editing and line editing

People mean many different things when they talk about “editing,” so as writers, communicators, and editors, we need to grasp the nuances of these terms, starting with the difference between copy editing and line editing. So, what are the differences between copy editing and line editing? That is what we will get into today in … Read more

What Are The Most Common Grammar Mistakes?

What Are The Most Common Grammar Mistakes

Grammar is a polarizing topic. Some people (maybe you?) love it and are nerds about it. Other people (also maybe you?) hate it because it’s a fickle friend. You know what I’m talking about if you’ve ever written with Grammarly active. But love it or hate it, good grammar matters. As Jeffrey Gitomar, an American … Read more

Copywriting vs Content Writing – What’s The Difference?

Copywriting and content writing are two commonly confused terms in digital marketing. I recently had a back-and-forth with our company admin about the difference between them, because they weren’t sure. I realized that if someone who works for us isn’t sure, there must be many more people who are similarly unsure of the difference. Copywriter … Read more

Copywriting vs Copy Editing – What Is The Difference?

Copywriting vs Copy Editing What Is The Difference

Speaking with many content people and publishers, one of the most common misunderstandings we see is the difference between copywriting and copy editing. We often get asked if our editors will also write content for websites. By the way, the answer is yes, through our SEO content writing services, where we write SEO-focused blog posts. That said, copywriting … Read more

How To Create A Content Style Guide with AI

How To Create A Content Style Guide with AI

Creating a style guide can feel overwhelming, which is why many content marketers don’t prioritize it. Unfortunately, failing to prioritize it means content will be less effective, more time will be spent on editing and “fixing” content than is necessary, and writers and editors will be frustrated. There’s a cool way to get around this, … Read more

How To Update Website Content For SEO

How To Update Website Content For SEO

“Should I update my website’s content for SEO, and if so, which content?” I’ve heard a variation of this question countless times throughout my SEO career. Often, it comes from someone who has heard about it from some “SEO guru,” and then they set off updating their homepage copy every quarter because they “heard it … Read more

25 Inspiring (And Funny) Quotes About Editing

25 Inspiring (And Funny) Quotes About Editing

Writers and editors love to make fun of ourselves. We know that our creative endeavors are hard, and a bit of levity never hurts anyone when trying to do something hard. We’re also known for making quips about our profession and saying them in humorous yet thought-provoking ways. Here are our favorite quotes about editing … Read more

Why Companies Fail To Outsource Effectively

Why Companies Fail To Outsource Effectively

I have extensive experience helping companies outsource various parts of their marketing. Before EditorNinja, I ran a company called Credo, which helped companies find the right marketing agency (and helped marketing agencies get more clients). In my nine years of running that business, we generated over $250,000,000 in leads and sent agencies over $40,000,000 in … Read more

The Six Best Proofreading Services for 2024

The Six Best Proofreading Services for 2024

Have you ever written a document, hit the “submit” button, and then worried that something may be wrong with it? A misspelling, a typo, the wrong it’s/its? These errors can confuse or, worse, a lack of confidence among your readers. In fact, 78% of survey respondents said they’d be less likely to buy from a … Read more

"EditorNinja's editors have been a game-changer for us. They've learned our very specific style guides, ask questions when something isn't clear, and always get content back to us on time. They're an important extension of our team."
Malory Speir - 10x Travel
Malory Speir
Managing Editor at 10xTravel
"As a fast growing startup building an AI-powered GTM management platform, we need a special combination of flexible, affordable, and personalized editing. EditorNinja has filled that for us perfectly with a Dedicated Editor."
Elyse Grassmuck
Senior Revenue Program Manager

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You have a few options from here:

  1. Keep adding documents to your account, knowing that they’ll be edited after your next billing cycle begins.
  2. Add some Anytime Words (one-time purchase, use in the next 12 months) and we’ll start on your overflow documents sooner. Click here to see options.
  3. You can also increase your monthly subscription. Reach out to your contact on our team about this

Remember, you can always adjust priority on documents if you need specific ones back sooner. Just remember to let your editing team know in Slack.

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