Let’s be real – blog content is still a massive traffic driver online.
To convert readers to customers, blogs need consistently published content that is on-brand and clean of errors.
*That means it needs editing.*
Buy back your time by hiring EditorNinja and our US-based professional editors to review all of your content before it’s published.
Blog post editing is included in Unlimited Content Editing.
Ready to get started?
How It Works
Easy submission
Easily submit new documents to EditorNinja for editing.
Unlimited revisions
Request as many revisions as you like for each document.
Ready to review
Receive your first ready-for-review document into your inbox in 1-2 business days.
Hiring blog Editors has changed.
The Old Way
- Google around
- Research some platforms
- Research some editors
- Post a gig on a platform
- Respond to editors
- Speak with editors you found yourself
- Try a few out
- See deadlines slip
- Get a bill bigger than expected
- Decide “editing doesn’t work for my business”
- Wait a few months
- Repeat the process
The EditorNinja Way
- Find EditorNinja online
- See how we make editing easy
- Schedule a friendly demo
- Get your questions answered
- Subscribe
- See when every document will be returned
- Publish better content
Isn't that better?
EditorNinja - blog editors without the painful hiring process.
Why blog posts?
Blog posts are a long-hallowed tradition of online marketing. While blogging was initially a personal thing in the early days of the internet, businesses soon co-opted it and blogs and resource centers have become staples of online marketing.
Through blogging, you can build and educate your audience while driving new visitors to your site who you can convert into a customer or monetize via advertising or other means.
Why you need Blog post editing
When you’re using blogging as content marketing to drive and educate audience to convert them into a subscriber and then a customer, you need your copy to be on point.
Leverage EditorNinja’s convenient and fast flat-rate editing services to tighten up your blog posts so that traffic and those new subscribers keep rolling in.
Blog post editing includes identifying and fixing:
- Tone and voice errors
- Grammatical errors
- Formatting errors
- Where content did not match the brief
- SEO errors (as an add-on)
How EditorNinja works
Getting great editing shouldn’t be complicated. Here’s how it works on EditorNinja.
Add your document
Add your editing need to our editing portal in just a few clicks.
We'll review and assign
We’ll make sure everything looks good and assign the document to your editor.
Your Editor Edits
Your editor works diligently on your editing queue.
Delivered to you
Your documents come back to you ready for final review and publishing.